Donate to the FCCPR

Donate Online

Donations can be made online through Zelle by going to

Enter the recipient email
These payments go to Foundation for Carson City Parks and Recreation.

If you are donating to a specific project, be sure to enter the project name in the comments. If the donation is not for a specific project enter 'General' in the comments.

Donate By Mail

Donations may be made by mail as follows:

  • Make checks payable to FCCPR
  • (Designate a specific project if you choose.)
  • Mail to: FCCPR, P.O. Box 3266, Carson City, NV 89702-3266

We invite you to become a member of FCCPR. Basic membership is $25 per year (based on the month you join), non-profit organization membership is $50, and for-profit business membership is $100. Annual membership renewal is based on the month you first join FCCPR. Higher categories* are available to individuals, families, and businesses in lieu of Basic, Family, Non-profit, and For-profit categories.

To join click here.

